‘The tax system should be simple and transparent’: an expert

The Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs (FPP) continues its tax recommendations addressed to the Polish government. Their main postulate is still a simpler and more transparent tax system, which burdens entrepreneurs less and simplifies procedures. FPP experts point out that the more complex the system is, the easier it is to circumvent the law and avoid paying taxes. Big companies have specialized in this, and the regulations aimed at blocking their actions backfire on small entrepreneurs.
"The easiest way is always to circumvent overly complicated solutions. There are gaps in them. Here, large entities that can afford appropriate tax advisers are in the lead. Very often, legislation aimed at limiting their activities hits small and medium-sized entrepreneurs," Agnieszka Durlik, expert Legal and Economic Affairs and Director General at the Court of Arbitration of the Polish Chamber of Commerce (KIG), said.
"It is important to promote the payment of taxes in Poland by all entities that provide services and sell their goods here. The system should be simple, not to burden small and medium-sized enterprises and stimulate the consumer behavior that we want to promote. This is how indirect taxes that are paid by consumers – i.e. excise duties and VAT – can work. An example is the higher taxation of products with high sugar levels, which limits its consumption. However, taxation should not increase too much, so as not to enlarge the shadow economy which limits competitiveness and has a negative impact on the economy," she pointed out.