Sunday trading ban not for distribution centers
Entrepreneurs have raised concerns about whether the trading ban will also apply to distribution centers. Application of the Act for distribution centers is not justified by the Act’s wording

Entrepreneurs have raised concerns about whether the trading ban will also apply to distribution centers. Application of the Act for distribution centers is not justified by the Act’s wording
The Act on
the limitation of trade on Sundays and holidays effectively came into force on
March 1, 2018. However, the disputes surrounding the ban still seem far from
over. A considerable amount of controversy has arisen following the publication
of guidelines for the ban by the National Labour Inspectorate and the Ministry
of Family, Labour and Social Policy. What raised particular concerns was the section
of the guidelines which posited that the
ban could also be extended to storage facilities (distribution centers) situated
in locations separate from stores. Such a broad interpretation of the new regulation
has produced criticism of the Ministry and the National Labour Inspectorate.
There are concerns that widening the scope of the ban would be unjustly
unfavorable for entrepreneurs and businesses. The Inspectorate assumed in its guidelines
that storage facilities are not automatically exempt from the ban solely on the
basis of being located separately from the retail area and shared by several
stores. It is impossible to agree with this interpretation. It is contrary to
the wording of the Act; moreover, it is in contradiction with the intention of
the legislator, which was reflected in the course of parliamentary works on the
draft of the Act. First and foremost, in accordance with Article 5 of the Act,
the limitation relates only to trading and trade-related activities in a
“commercial outlet.” However, accord- ing to the Act, a commercial outlet may
be understood as a facility where “trade and trade-related activities are
carried out.” The use of the conjunction “and” means that a facility needs to
undertake both trade and trade-related activities to be subject to the ban. In
distribution centers, trade is not carried out; their purpose is to simply organize
deliveries to stores. This fact alone means distribution centers cannot be
considered “commercial outlets” and therefore cannot be subject to the ban. What
is more, in accordance with the definition of “trade related activities”
(indicated in Article 3(3) of the Act),the ban applies only to activities
related to trade in a “direct” manner. Activities carried out in a storage
facility operating as a distribution center should not be considered activities
related to trade in a “direct” manner. In order to qualify an activity as being
subject to the ban, there should be a strong connection between such activity
and trade in a commercial outlet, in terms of both functionality and time.
There is no such connection between activities carried out in a distribution
center and the possible subsequent sale of goods in a store. In addition, the
course of parliamentary works on the Act also suggests that the legislator was
against a stricter interpretation that would allow the application of the ban
to extend to distribution centers. While the preliminary proposal of the Act originally
submitted to the Sejm assumed a ban on logistic activities, in the course of
parliamentary works logistic activities were deliberately excluded from this
ban. The interpretation provided in the guidelines by the National Labour
Inspectorate and Ministry is, therefore, clearly contrary to the intentions of
the legislator. A further point of note is also the fact that the Act provides
for criminal or administrative-criminal penalties. Regarding the punitive
provisions, it is assumed that they cannot be subject to extensive interpretation
(meaning such provisions cannot be interpreted in a manner extending the scope
of activities subject to the sanctions, over the interpretation resulting from
the literary wording of the provision). Therefore, any reference made by the
National Labour Inspectorate in the guidelines suggesting it will try to
prevent any “circumvention” of the Act, is unjustified. Such an intention
cannot lead to imposing a ban, under pain of criminal or administrative- criminal
liability, on the activities not explicitly banned under the Act.
critics stated that the guidelines published by the National Labour
Inspectorate in fact lead to imposing new bans not resulting from the Act
itself. It should be noted that the ban resulting from the Act cannot be
extended based on the guidelines, because they do not constitute an actual
source of law. No bans or obligations for entrepreneurs can be imposed solely
by the published guidelines, as the grounds for such bans may only be the Act
itself. The guidelines are solely the opinion of the bodies responsible for the
implementation and application of the Act on the manner in which they intend to
apply the Act. Of course, an entrepreneur that disagrees with the
interpretation presented in the guidelines may call into question the
imposition of a fine or penalty by the respective bodies. If that happens, the courts
hearing the entrepreneur’s appeal will rule only on the basis of the Act, and will
not be, by any means, bound by the guidelines published by the National Labour Inspectorate.
On the other hand, it is hard to imagine that the National Labour Inspectorate
would question the actions or impose penalties on actions that the guidelines
clearly considered acceptable. Taking into consideration that the Act provides
for the possibility of imposing penalties of a criminal or quasi-criminal nature,
imposing such penalties for actions which in the guidelines are indicated as acceptable
would violate the principle of trust in the state. Thus, the guidelines limit
entrepreneurs’ uncertainty, at least in relation to some of the activities
described therein and considered as permitted. To simplify matters, if the
guidelines declare any activity as acceptable, they should be treated as
binding for the bodies of the National Labour Inspectorate. But they are not
binding for entrepreneurs themselves. Assuming the understanding of the guidelines
presented above, the mere fact that they were published should be considered a
good thing, regardless of the controversy related to some of the explanations
they provided. It seems that a lot of the confusion surrounding the guidelines
could have been avoided if the guidelines contained a disclaimer confirming the
lack of binding force of the published guidelines.