Court quashes ‘anti-LGBT’ resolution

An administrative court in Gliwice, southern Poland, has annulled the resolution of the Istebna Commune Council contested by a Polish ombudsman on September 2 on the suppression of “LGBT ideology” by the local government. Pursuant to the resolution, an “LGBT-free zone” was established in the commune.
The court found that by adopting such a resolution, the commune council exceeded its powers and adopted it in violation of the law. The court also acknowledged that the resolution discriminates against people with non-heterosexual orientation and sexual identity.
In the justification, the court pointed out that the term “LGBT ideology” has not been specified in the current social situation in Poland, that it is not a clear, precise or at least uncontroversial concept. The court found that in the current conditions in Poland, this term applies to people from the LGBT group and has a discriminatory effect on them, consisting of excluding them from the community due to their sexual preferences and gender identity.